Gulee Pliek Ue Recipe
How to make gulee pliek ue or recipe sauce pliek ue is quite easy for you try at home, provided that the main ingredient is "Pliek Ue" is available. If not yet available you should make it first that the process of making it already explain above. But if you live in Aceh, maybe you are not too difficult to get this Pliek U.
Vegetable ingredients:
- Long beans ¼ kg
- Leaves melinjo 4 bundles
- Melinjo fruit 1 ounce
- Young jacket 2 plastic
- Green eggplant 10 pieces
- Kangkung 1 bunch
- Pliek U ¾ glass duralex small
- Coconut grater 1
- Shrimp ¼ kg - Kikil as you like
- Salt to taste
Softened seasoning:
- Coriander dried milled 2 tbsp
- 6 red chili
- Cabe of cayenne 20 pieces
- Red Onion 6 cloves
- Garlic 3 cloves
- Ginger 1 cm
- Tart turmeric 1 tsp
- Coriander cook 1 teaspoon
- Coconut gongseng (ulhee) 2 tbsp
- Pepper round ½ tbsp
- 3 pieces of acid
Chopped ingredients:
- 9 green chili
- Onion 3 cloves
- Sere 2 sticks
- 10 orange leaves
- Bleeding (solid shoot) 2 pieces
How to Make Gulee Pliek Ue
- Gongseng pliek u with small fire until fragrant smell, add 1 cup duralex long water to boiling. After boiling filtered (defecate). Blender pliek u until smooth.
- Boil melinjo fruit and young jackfruit until tender (piss)
- Boil gravel until tender (pee)
- Cut vegetables, mix spice until smooth and rhizome condiments.
- Squeeze the coconut shell until it becomes thin coconut milk
- Put in a pan of vegetables, ground spices, chopped spices, shrimp, salt, pliek u (except kale and lime leaves) stir until blended. Enter the water a little and then boil.
- After smoky enter the thin coconut milk (stirring)
- When it is almost cooked enter the kale and orange leaves
- good luck
That's the typical Gulee Pliek Ue sauce recipe in Aceh. It turns out very easy for you to try at home. Oh yes, we almost forgot, it turns out there are some people of Aceh in this Gulee Pliek using "cue" sumpil (conch). If you like please add, cut the tip, wash it clean, add salt, soak, 1 minute then wash clean.
Gulee Pliek Ue is ready for you to enjoy. Do not forget the salt fish dish, because the people of Aceh enjoy this Gulee Pliek Ue using salted fish side dish that will make your appetite increase.
If you are lazy to make or difficult to get the material, come to Aceh. Many restaurants in Aceh that provide menus Gulee Pliek Ue this.
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