7 Healthy Foods that Apparently Harmful to the Body

A number of foods that we consider healthy can turn out to be a silent killer for us. Either because the origin of the food or the way we process food that is actually healthy becomes unhealthy.
Here are 7 foods that we consider healthy that turned out deadly, quoted from Cosmopolitan on Monday

1. Olive oil
Olive oil is healthy. But, when you use olive oil to fry eggs, steaks, or whatever foods you eat, olive oil can make a delicious meal so poisonous. When the olive oil is heated, the substances contained therein become carcinogenic.
2. Celery
Never once put celery in a soupy soup. Celery will release harmful nitrite, which is toxic to the body.
3. Mushrooms
Just like celery, if you heat the mushrooms too long can make them toxic. Simply cook it once.
4. Almond
Be careful in choosing almonds. If the origin, it could be almonds that obtained it is a wild almond that contains cyanide, a deadly substance for the body.
5. Potatoes
Potatoes can be used instead of rice to meet one's carbohydrates. However, be careful also in choosing potatoes. Never use green potatoes because they contain toxins known as solanine, which initially causes you to vomit and end up with a heart attack.
6. Margarine
There are many unhealthy compounds in margarine. According to some studies, margarine contains hexane, industrial chemicals that have toxic effects.
7. Call

Apple seeds contain small amounts of amygdalin , which, when combined with digestive enzymes, produce hydrogen cyanide. Hydrogen cyanide can kill adults in a few minutes when consumed in large quantities. Therefore avoid ingesting apple seeds when eating this fruit. 

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